To add a user to a Project you will need to have 'Project Admin' permissions. This gives access to the Project Admin panel, available through the top-level menu at the top right of the Call Manager application.
The Project Admin is available form the top level menu
Under the 'Users' tab you will find a list of all users under your project. You can add new Users by selecting 'Add User' at the top of the User List. You will need to add the first/last names of the user, their email address and specify the user role - user or admin.
Admins should specify the user details before adding a user, including the permissions.
If the email address is associated with an existing Pivot user they will be added to the project and will be sent an email notifying them of their user permission update.
An example of the email notification when an existing Pivot user is added to a new project
If there is no existing user associated with this email address the new user will be sent an email notification requesting that they activate their account. They should click the link in the email, check the details provided by the admin are correct and select 'Activate Account'
An example email for a new Pivot user
New users can edit their details before confirming their username and password to activate their Pivot account.