Access Period
This is the timeframe during which a package is available for the recipient to access and start a download from the servers. The sender determines this period, which can be up to 15 days from the upload time. By default, it's set to 10 days.
A package is a curated collection of one or more files or folders that are sent through FileRunner for efficient sharing.
Pin Verification
When enabled, Pin Verification adds an extra layer of security. Users must enter a Personal Identification Number (PIN) sent to them via SMS before they can download a package.
Unverified Users
External users, not explicitly added to your project, fall under the category of unverified users. While they may or may not have a FileRunner account, they don't need to log in to FileRunner. Access to packages is granted through the URL sent to them in email notifications.
Upload Drawer
The upload drawer is located on the right hand of the screen when you have an upload in progress. It contains information on how your upload is progressing and is where we display warnings should we have any issues with your transfer.
Verified Users
These are registered users who have been added to your project. To download packages, verified users need to authenticate using their email address and password.