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Setting up a new FileRunner Project

Settings, security and customisation

Updated over a week ago

Getting started with FileRunner is a breeze, thanks to its browser-based nature. No extensive setup is needed to have you and your users quickly on board. All modern browsers, including those on Mac, Windows, and Linux OS, are supported. Filerunner works seamlessly across browsers. Primary supported browsers include Chrome, Firefox & Safari, with the most optimal experience in Chrome. There's no need to set up a dedicated storage or transfer server to use FileRunner, and you won't need any specialized network configurations or shaping. File transfers are run through our dedicated FileRunner storage servers, expertly managed in our secure data centres via our high-speed fibre network.

Network and Firewalling

From a network and firewall perspective, all you need to ensure is that the machine has access to public DNS with TCP port 443 (HTTPS) open outbound. In a typical office setup, this port is usually open by default as it uses the same services as general internet traffic. However, if you find yourself in a particularly secure network environment with limited internet access on your machine, don't worry. Just reach out directly to our support team, and they'll assist you. We can provide a specific IP whitelist if required.

Configuring your project

Project Naming

By default, your project will be named after your company and clearly identified this way in email notifications. If you wish to customise the project name or provide a specific title for your team, please contact our support team. With an enterprise license, you can set up multiple projects, facilitating the management of segregated teams. For more details, feel free to reach out to your account manager.

Feature Access and Security Considerations

Depending on the type of content you and your team will be sending, there are some features you may want to restrict as part of your security considerations. As a Project Admin, you have control over the global settings for your account.

Before granting users access to the project, two features warrant your attention:

Enabling Package Sending to Unverified Users: This setting is enabled by default. When activated, users can send packages to external recipients via their email addresses. Unverified users, who may not have a FileRunner account, can access the package without authentication. If deactivated, users will only be able to send packages to verified users specified in your user list and under your management.

PIN Verification: Primarily used by projects with the above setting turned on, PIN verification adds an extra layer of authentication. Users must enter a PIN sent via SMS to the phone number specified by the package sender before downloading packages. This can be enforced on all packages or only on packages sent to unverified users.

For more detailed information on managing these settings, please refer to our guide on Managing your FileRunner Account.

Adding users to your new FileRunner project

For more information on how to add users and setup their permissions see our guide on User Management

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