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ClearView Flex

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110 articles
ClearView Flex basics
Initial setup guide for new users of ClearView Flex
What is ClearView Flex?
Stream playerOverview of the stream controls in ClearView Flex
In-channel voice chatCommunicating with your colleagues during a session
Joining a sessionHow to join a session as a viewer
PIN AuthenticationHow to join a session with a unique PIN code
Plan typesThe different plan types for ClearView Flex and their features
How do I access the ClearView Flex session management app?
How do I switch between ClearView Flex projects?Handling multiple projects in ClearView Flex
How can I view a Flex session on a TV screen?
How do I configure 5.1 audio for my session?
Will ClearView Flex work on my iOS device?How to view ClearView Flex on an iPad or iPhone
Will ClearView Flex run on an Apple TV?
Do I have to download an app for my Android device?
What browser should I use for ClearView Flex?
How long before a session invite link expires?
Do I have to enter my full name in order to join a ClearView Flex session?
What payment options are there for ClearView Flex?
How much bandwidth is needed for ClearView Flex?
Does ClearView Flex work on other Chromium based browsers?
Logging in to ClearView FlexHow to login to ClearView Flex for the first time or if you've forgotten your password
Installation & Setup
Initial setup guide for new users of ClearView Flex
Presenter Controls
Operating ClearView Flex as a Presenter
Selecting a FlexboxHow to select a Flexbox and start a session
Inviting viewersHow to invite viewers to your ClearView Flex session
My Flexbox says it is in use but no one is using it?
What is the maximum number of Viewers I can invite to a session?
If I remove a viewer from my session, how long until they cannot see the stream anymore?
How do I know when my viewers have joined the session?
How can I easily invite multiple viewers to a Flex session? Can I copy them from my calendar invite?
Can a Presenter leave a ClearView Flex session whilst it's running?
ClearView Flex Administration
How to manage your ClearView Flex projects
User rolesThe user roles in ClearView Flex and what they mean
GroupsSub-divide your ClearView projects into groups
Managing Flexboxes in a groupHow to manage Flexboxes in your group
Managing users in a groupHow to manage users in your ClearView Flex group
Managing users in a projectHow Project Admins can manage users
How do I access the ClearView Flex Admin panel?
How to make annotations on top of your stream
Disappearing inkUsing disappearing ink on a ClearView Flex stream
Draw toolHow to create permanent drawings on your stream
Shared pointersShared pointers on your stream
Stroke thicknessHow to configure the weight of your annotations
Color pickerHow to change the color of your annotations
Eye dropperHow to extract colours from your stream to draw with
How to buy and manage credits for your Flexbox
Pay-as-you-go creditsHow PAYG credits work for your Flexboxes
Buying creditsHow to purchase credits for your Flexboxes
Payment methodsHow to manage your payment methods for ClearView Flex
Activating and Scheduling CreditsHow to activate and schedule credits within ClearView Flex
Assigning a credit to a groupHow to reserve credits to groups
Demo modeWhat happens when you don't have a credit assigned to your Flexbox?
Is it possible to Upgrade/Downgrade my ClearView Flex credit once it's been activated?
How is my Sales Tax calculated when I purchase ClearView Flex PAYG credits?
Can I cancel a credit after it is activated?
Technical Specs
Technical requirements and info on color and video formats in Flex
Things not working as they should? Here's some things to try before giving us a call